Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Installer tou.tv sur le Nexus Player

Pré-requis :

- Nexus player (version 5.1.1)
- Un smartphone (Nexus 4 dans mon cas)
- Un câble micro USB/USB male pour connecter un laptop au Nexus Player (méthode ADB)
- Un câble micro USB/USB femelle pour pouvoir y connecter une clé USB standard (méthode clé USB)
- Android tools (méthode ADB) pour installer les applications
(Sous Ubuntu/Debian il suffit juste d'installer android-tools-adb)

De mon côté j'ai utilisé la méthode ADB alors la méthode clé USB est pour l'heure sans garantie...

1) Télécharger et exporter les packages APK 

A partir de votre smartphone, télécharger les applications suivantes :

- ICI Tou.tv (version dans mon cas)
- Rotation Manager (FREE version 6.2.030315)
- ApkShare (version v20150602)

Ouvrir ApkShare, et faire un "backup" de ICI Tou.tv et Rotation Manager.
Dans l'onglet backup, faire "Share file" et sauvegardez ces 2 applications qui seront désormais au format APK.

De mon côté, je les ai sauvées sur mon Google Drive... puis je les ai re-téléchargées sur mon laptop.

A ce stade, vous pouvez aussi les mettre sur une clé USB...

2) Installer Sideload Launcher sur le Nexus Player (thanks to Chainfire!!!!)


3) Installer les applications sur le Nexus Player

Méthode ADB :
- Activer le mode Développeur en cliquant plusieurs fois sur le Build number dans Settings/About
- Activer l'USB debugging dans le menu "Developer options"
- Sur le laptop, faire "adb devices" pour se connecter au Nexus Player
- Installer les 2 applications en utilisant :

adb install toutv.apk
adb install rotationmanager.apk

Méthode clé USB :

Installer APkShare sur le Nexus player et importer les 2 applications ICI Tou.tv et Rotation Manager.

4) Configuration finale

A ce stade l'application ICI Tou.tv devrait se lancer en utilisant the "Sideload launcher" mais l'interface sera par défaut en mode portrait, pas vraiment pratique...

Via le Sideload Launcher, lancer Rotation Manager, selectionner l'application ICI Tou.tv et forcer le mode paysage (Landscape) pour cette application.

5) Relancer l'application ICI Tou.tv et regardez vos séries préférées !!!!! Toute remarque sera la bienvenue !

Note : un clavier/souris connecté au Nexus Player facilite beaucoup la navigation et je tiens à remercier mon Di Novo Edge pour ses bons et loyaux services en attendant de pouvoir resusciter le clavier de ma défunte Logitech Revue avec ce cable : http://www.amazon.com/Smays-Micro-USB-Ethernet-Computer-Notebook/dp/B00L32UUJK

Thursday, June 26, 2014

[Nexus 4] Update from 4.4.3 to 4.4.4 with official OTA update while keeping LTE

Let's say :

- you have a Nexus 4
- you have unlocked your bootloader
- you're running 4.4.3 with LTE radio (see one of my previous posts)
- you DID receive the OTA update for 4.4.4

Check your build number in Settings/About Phone/Build Number, download the image corresponding to your build and reflash the modem that corresponds to your build.

In my case, I was running KTU84L so I reflashed the 2.0.1701.02 baseband modem :

$ adb reboot bootloader
$ fastboot flash radio radio-mako-m9615a-cefwmazm-2.0.1701.02.img
$ fastboot reboot

Go with the installation of the official OTA 4.4.4 update.

See XDA thread here for hybrid modems :

On my side I went with latest hybrid (33_103_hybrid_modem.zip) from gorilla p :
Download and extract the zip, then :

$ adb reboot bootloader
$ fastboot flash radio modem.img
$ fastboot reboot

Friday, June 13, 2014

[Nexus 4] Update from 4.4.2 to 4.4.3 with official OTA update while keeping LTE

Let's say :

- you have a Nexus 4
- you have unlocked your bootloader
- you're running 4.4.2 with LTE radio (see one of my previous posts)
- you DID receive the OTA update for 4.4.3

Check your build number in Settings/About Phone/Build Number, download the image corresponding to your build and reflash the modem that corresponds to your build.

In my case, I was running KOT49H so I reflashed the 2.0.1700.98 baseband modem :

$ adb reboot bootloader
$ fastboot flash radio radio-mako-m9615a-cefwmazm-2.0.1700.98.img
$ fastboot reboot

Go with the installation of the official OTA 4.4.3 update.

This time I decided to give a try to XDA morrislee hybrid modems.
See XDA thread here :

On my side I decided to go with :

Download and extract the zip, then :

$ adb reboot bootloader
$ fastboot flash radio modem.img
$ fastboot reboot

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Manually update to 4.4.2 from 4.4 while keeping LTE

Let's say :

- you have a Nexus 4
- you have unlocked your bootloader
- you're running 4.4 with LTE radio (see one of my previous posts)
- you DID NOT received the OTA update for 4.4.2 yet

Check your build number in Settings/About Phone/Build Number, download the image corresponding to your build and reflash the modem that corresponds to your build.

In my case, I was running KRT16S so I reflashed the 2.0.1700.84 baseband modem :

$ adb reboot bootloader
$ fastboot flash radio radio-mako-m9615a-cefwmazm-2.0.1700.84.img
$ fastboot reboot

Download the OTA update from 4.4 to 4.4.2 here :

Source :

$ adb reboot recovery

Then, get into "sideload" mode :
"Press and Hold the Power button and then tap the Volume Up button within a second to display the menu. This can be a bit tricky if you don’t do it right so if your device reboots just try again."

Select the 2nd option : "Apply update from ADB"

$ adb sideload 4f6d2fc7377dbb48caecaa658bb139da2b063b33.signed-occam-KOT49H-from-KRT16S.4f6d2fc7.zip

When the process finishes choose to reboot the phone.

When your phone has rebooted, simply flash back the LTE radio from JOP40C or JOP40D (baseband 2.0.1700.33)

$ adb reboot bootloader
$ fastboot flash radio radio-mako-m9615a-cefwmazm-2.0.1700.33.img
$ fastboot reboot

For more info on hybrid modems, check this post on XDA :


And all the Nexus 4 (occam) images can also be found here :


Nexus 4 hybrid with LTE 4.4

Let's say :

- you have a Nexus 4
- you have unlocked your bootloader
- you're running 4.3 with LTE radio (see one of my previous posts)
- you received the OTA update for 4.4
- you tried to update but you got an error (normal)

Check your build number in Settings/About Phone/Build Number, download the image corresponding to your build and reflash the modem that corresponds to your build.

In my case, I was running JWR66Y so I reflashed the 2.0.1700.84 baseband modem :

$ adb reboot bootloader
$ fastboot flash radio radio-mako-m9615a-cefwmazm-2.0.1700.84.img
$ fastboot reboot

After reboot, open the OTA update and choose to update to 4.4.

Go through the update process (you will not loose your data!) and when your phone has rebooted, simply flash back the LTE radio from JOP40C or JOP40D (baseband 2.0.1700.33)

$ adb reboot bootloader
$ fastboot flash radio radio-mako-m9615a-cefwmazm-2.0.1700.33.img
$ fastboot reboot

For more info on hybrid modems, check this post on XDA :


And all the Nexus 4 (occam) images can also be found here :


Monday, November 4, 2013

Nexus 4 hybrid LTE with 4.3

Let's say :

- you have a Nexus 4
- you have unlocked your bootloader
- you're running 4.2.2 with LTE radio (see one of my previous posts)
- you received the OTA update for 4.3
- you tried to update but you got an error (normal)

Check your build number in Settings/About Phone/Build Number, download the image corresponding to your build and reflash the modem that corresponds to your build.

In my case, I was running JDQ39 so I reflashed the 2.0.1700.48 baseband modem :

$ adb reboot bootloader
$ fastboot flash radio radio-mako-m9615a-cefwmazm-2.0.1700.48.img
$ fastboot reboot

After reboot, open the OTA update and choose to update to 4.3.

Go through the update process (you will not loose your data!) and when your phone has rebooted, simply flash back the LTE radio from JOP40C or JOP40D (baseband 2.0.1700.33)

$ adb reboot bootloader
$ fastboot flash radio radio-mako-m9615a-cefwmazm-2.0.1700.33.img
$ fastboot reboot

For more info on hybrid modems, check this post on XDA :


And all the Nexus 4 (occam) images can also be found here :


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Android SDK and 13.10 Saucy Salamander

If you ever upgraded/installed 13.10 Saucy Salamander, you might have this issue after installing the latest Android SDK package for Linux :

me@me:~/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20130917/sdk/platform-tools$ ./adb devices
bash: ./adb: No such file or directory

The reason is that the ia32-libs package is not available anymore in Saucy.

Instead, you have to do :

sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6

to get back on your feet and be able to play with adb again ;-)

Credits :